Bulk Cap Hopper Elevator Sorter HES

Available from Resina

Product Details

Bulk Cap Hopper Elevator Sorter HES (Click to enlarge image) • Unique Resina® Crossover cap chute allows
the HES to be easily placed into any production line

• Elevators with conveyor chains from 6” wide to 36”
wide are available with speeds over 600 per minute

• 5-11 cu. ft. bulk hopper bins for caps depending
on conveyor width

The Resina® HES delivers properly oriented caps
via a discharge chute on demand. The caps are
elevated and oriented on specially designed
“flights,” attached to a delrin belt from the floor level
bulk cap hopper. The HES has all stainless steel
construction (304 or 316), NEMA 4 control panel,
PE eye for feed control, and an air clutch for motor
protection - all which come standard.

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